What is a pathway of influence? It is the intentional layering of organizational assets onto deep research on key decision makers to find the common links and points of pressure that can accelerate a campaign’s ability to build power.
Why is this important? In any advocacy campaign, resources are finite. Finding the most salient connections to the lawmakers who have the power to make or break a campaign is critical; otherwise campaigns risk wasting precious time, money and human capital. Understanding the issues that decision makers care about most deeply and affect them most personally – as well as the organizations and people they are closest to – can help your campaign determine who should be in the room and how they should make their ask, for maximum results.
How do we do it?
- Step 1: My Power People (MPP) conducts deep and comprehensive research about people in power that are key to the success of your campaign. This research is all within the public domain, but is often far-flung and not easily accessible. We spend the time to follow trails, read the fine print, and comb through donor records for clues – and bring it all together in one report.
- Step 2: MPP uncovers the people and issues connected to those in power and overlays this information with a campaign’s key assets to determine possible allies, connection points, and uncovered links to important decision makers. This is the critical step that transforms information into power for a campaign!
- Step 3: MPP makes an informed set of recommendations about the most critical pathways to pursue. Our team has decades of campaign experience, and uses this lens to analyze research to identify the pathways most likely to yield campaign results. Campaigns can then use these recommendations to inform grassroots, coalition and lobbying strategies to maximize influence on lawmakers at all campaign levels.